



2016-04-01 10:49:00


  下面是出国留学网小编为大家整理的美国总统英语访谈录内容及音频,采访美国第34任总统:德怀特艾森豪威尔---一个留下很多未解谜团的总统:Personally, I Have Discovered No Secret Agreements 就我个人而言,没有发现秘密协议。希望能对小伙伴们的听力和口语练习有所帮助!


  Eisenhower: Now, ladies and gentlemen, I have covered my four subjects, and we will take, first, a period of addressing questions to these. I will see if I can answer any of them. I believe that you are to introduce yourselves to me.

  艾森豪威尔:女士们先生们,现在我已 经讲完了我的4个话题,首先我们开始 第一阶段的提问。看我是不是能回答你 们的问题。我想你们提问时先作一下自 我介绍。

  Reporter: Merriman Smith, United Press: Mr. President, in connection with your farm statement, do you plan to ask Congress for standby control powers?

  记者:我是合众社的梅里曼史密斯, 总统先生,你刚才作了 “农场”声明, (“农场”是声明的代号,应为官方保密称 谓)那你有没有要求国会给自己应急控制 的权力?

  Eisenhower: On price did you say price controls?

  艾森豪威尔:关于价格——你是说价格 控制吗?

  Reporter: (Mr. Smith) Yes, sir.


  Eisenhower: Price controls. On price controls, I do not intend to ask for standby controls. I believe that if any standby control bill is enacted it must be in very general terms. I do not believe that you can, at this moment, foresee the conditions of a future, 3 months or 6 months subject n. connection from now, and write the details of a law that would fit it. Therefore,it would have to be in very general terms, and I will accept that if they do it.

  艾森豪威尔:价格控制。关于价格控 制,我不想要求应急控制。我认为如果要进行价格控制,就必须全面地进行。 我认为此时不能预见到未来的情况,比 如3个月或6个月后的情况,然后编写一部适应那种情况的法律。因此,必须 是很全面的,这样做我才能接受。

  Reporter: Edward T. Folliard, Washington Post: Mr. President, you are so emphatic in what you said about taxes, that I would gather, sir, that you would veto a tax reduction bill, if one should be passed by Congress?

  记者:我是《华盛顿邮报》的爱德 华福利亚德,总统先生,你刚才强 调了税收,我想问,先生,如果必须通 过国会许可,你会否决减少税收的法案 吗?

  Eisenhower: Well, you must know, Mr. Folliard, we don’t have any item veto authority. In the executive department you have to veto a bill, a total bill一and you never know how a thing like that might come up to you. So I couldn’t possibly predict in advance what would be my action. I assure you of this: the simple thoughts I have expressed on the subject this morning will govern me just so far as it is possible to be governed in this line.

  艾森豪威尔:嗯,你得知道,福利亚德 先生,我们没有任何法案条款的否决权 行政部门要否决一个法案,整个法 案,你永远不会提前得到消息。所以我 不可能提前预计到我会做什么。我可以 跟你保证,我今天早上这个话题表达的 简要的想法目前为止都是以这条原则为 准绳的。

  Reporter: Raymond P. Brandt, St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Mr. President, will the administration sponsor a bill to retain the excess profits tax which expires on June 30th?

  记者:我是《圣路易斯邮报》的雷蒙 德布兰特,总统先生,政府会支持 保留6月30日到期的额外的利得税法 案吗?

  Eisenhower: I would say this—I can’t answer that in exact terms—I shall never agree to the elimination of any tax where reduction in revenue goes along with it. In other words, it would have to be a substitute of some kind in that same area.

  艾森豪威尔:我想说——我不能准确地 回答这个问题——我不会同意与财政收 入相关的任何税收。换句话说,必须在那个领域找到某种替代品。

  Reporter: (Mr. Brandt) Are you thinking along those terms, sir?

  记者:(布兰特先生)先生是根据那些 条款考虑吗?

  Eisenhower: My people are.


  Reporter: Alan S. Emory, Watertown (N.Y.) Times: Mr. President, this is somewhat allied to the beef problem. There is also a considerable problem in relation to dairy prices these days. I wonder if you would endorse the proposal to keep hearings on problems such as dairy prices,as close to the farmers involved as possible?

  记者:我是《纽约时报》的阿兰埃 默里,总统先生,我的问题某种程度上 和牛肉问题有关。这些天,乳制品价格 相关的问题很严重。我想知道你会支持 对乳制品价格提案问题举行听证吗?这 和农民息息相关。

  Eisenhower: Indeed I do. On that problem, I might tell you that all the representatives of the dairy industry are in the Department of Agriculture this morning, discussing their problem. And I would tell you this: everything that has been said and done in the agricultural field since January 20 has been on the basis of an advisory commission I appointed last December. It has been meeting, and we have brought in different panels on wool, sugar,now dairy, there have been about six different panels, and they cover the industries, so far as I know.

  艾森豪威尔:我确实支持。关于那个问题,我可以告诉你,所有乳制品业的代 表今天早上在农业部一起讨论了这个问 题。我想告诉你:自1月20日起农业 领域的所有结论和做法都是以去年12 月份我成立的咨询委员会的意见为基础 的。我们开了会,就着羊毛、糖、现在 是乳制品的问题组织了不同的专门小组,现在是6个小组,目前就我所知已经覆盖了这些行业。

  Reporter: Andrew F. Tully, Jr., Scripps-Howard Newspapers: Mr. President, have you discovered any other secret agreements besides the one signed at Yalta?

  记者:我是《斯克里普斯-霍华德报》的安德鲁杜里,总统先生,除了在雅 尔塔签署的秘密协议 外,你有没有发现其 他的秘密协议?

  Eisenhower: Personally, I have discovered no secret agreements. I use the word “secret” in this respect: when they were made, they were necessarily secret. They remain secret on this basis: they have never been presented to the Senate for their advice and consent, and therefore they never have achieved the standing of public treaties.

  艾森豪威尔:我个人而言,没有发现秘 密协议。“秘密”这个词我是这样理解 的:一旦制定就有必 要保密的文件。它们 在这个基础上仍是保密的:从来没有呈交给议院,寻求议院建议或者征求他们同 意,所以它们就不会成为公共条约。

  Reporter: Mrs. May Craig, Portland (Maine) Press Herald: If I may go back to the secret agreements a moment, are you aware that many Members of Congress on both sides feel that the agreements were never binding, anyway, because they were not presented to Congress一 to the Senate?

  记者:我是波特兰(缅因州)《新闻先 驱报》的梅克雷格,如果我可以再 次回到秘密协议的问题上,我想问你是 否知道两党很多国会议员都觉得协议是 没有约束力的,因为这些协议都没有呈 ,交给国会和议院?

  Eisenhower: Well,I think there are, in our practice, certain things that are of course binding when the people are acting as proper representatives of the United States 一say, in war, as in establishing staffs and commands and that sort of thing. That extends out into some fields that are almost politico-military in nature. I do agree that nothing can have the binding force of a treaty on us until it is submitted to the Senate一that’s what I am trying to get at.

  艾森豪威尔:嗯,我想以我们实际的情 况来看,当这些人作为美国的代表,比 如,在战争中或者在设立参谋部或指挥 部等这样的事情上当然是有约束力的。 如果是用于某些本质上是政治军事的领 .域上时,那么我同意如果不提交给议院,那么任何条约都没有约束力,这是我想说的。

  Reporter: (Mrs. Craig) Sir, are you aware that many Members of Congress also feel that the President had no right to take us into Korea without consulting Congress, also that he had no right to send troops to Europe without consulting Congress? Now I would like to ask.

  记者:(克雷格女士)先生,你知道很 多议员觉得总统没有权利在不咨询国会 意见的情况下就派军进入朝鲜,而且也 没有权利把军队派往欧洲?我想问一下 这个。

  Eisenhower: (interposing): Mrs. Craig, I want to say this one thing.

  艾森豪威尔(插话):克雷格女士,我 想说一件事。

  Reporter: (Mrs. Craig) Yes sir.


  Eisenhower: (continuing): That all took place long before I came to this office. I have a hard time trying to determine my own path and solve my own problems. I am not going back and try to solve those that someone else had.

  艾森豪威尔(继续):那是我就职之前 的事情。我用了很长时间来决定自己的 路,解决我自己的问题。我不想回头去 解决那些别人惹下的问题。

  Reporter: (Mrs. Craig) I wanted to ask you if you had given thought to your relationships with Congress in those fields.

  记者:(克雷格女士)我想问你是否想 过你与国会在这些领域的关系。

  Eisenhower: Mrs. Craig, indeed I have. I don’t believe that this Government is set up to be operated by anybody acting alone. I think it is clear what our founding documents mean; and I intend to function, as far as I am concerned, in that way. Now, we have always demanded that in an emergency where there was no time, not even hours, then someone had to act. In natural disasters— in Corpus Christi, or storms overseas-just this recent storm where our friends suffered such disaster in Holland and other countries—then they expect somebody to do something. But in the normal case, we have our system of consultations laid out, and it will be followed, as far as I am concerned.

  艾森豪威尔:克雷格女士,我确实想 过。我想政府不是让某一个人单独进行 掌控的。我想我们当时的独立宣言已经 说得很清楚了;我想要以那种方式执行 我的任务。现在,我们一直要求在千钧 一发的紧急事件中有人直接行动。在自然灾害中——科珀斯克里斯蒂,或者是 海外风暴,比如最近我们的友国荷兰和 其他国家遭受了风暴灾难,他们就会希 望有人能做些什么。但是正常情况下, 我们有自己的咨询体制,我认为必须顺 应这个体制。

  Reporter: Richard L. Wilson, Cowles Publications: Are you considering recommending an embargo or blockade of any kind against shipments into Red China?

  记者:我是《考尔斯刊物》的理查 德威尔逊,你现在考虑提出封港或是对运往中国的船只货物设置障碍吗?

  Eisenhower: That has not been discussed with me except in the papers. There has been no study on it that has been brought up yet to me. So personally I am not— the answer is, I have no answer.

  艾森豪威尔:除 了报纸讨论外, 我们还没有进行讨论。我还没有 看到任何研究性 结论。所以个人 来说,我不知道。

  Reporter: Leslie R. Honeycutt, Army Times: Mr. President, does your reorganization plan on the Federal Security Agency contemplate any transfer of VA functions to that department?

  记者:我是《军 事时报》的莱斯 利霍尼卡特, 总统先生你对联 邦安全机构的重 组以及那个部门 价值分析职能的 转换有什么想法 吗?

  Eisenhower: I would be glad to answer you一I think I know it, but I just could be wrong; and I will answer that the next time. I think I know the exact answer, but I don’t want to make a mistake.

  艾森豪威尔:我 很愿意回答你——但是我想我的想法可能是错的,我下次会回答这个问题。我想会得到准确的答案,我不想犯错。

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